Sugaring (hair removal)
Heavenly Bodies 60 minute facials include a double cleanse, exfoliation, tone, steam, facial, neck/shoulder and scalp massage, mask, plus lower arm and hand massage.
Heavenly Bodies facial (60 mins) ..............................£40.00
Deep cleanse/Extraction facial (60 mins).................£40.00
Anti - ageing facial (60 mins) .....................................£45.00
Bespoke mini facial (30 mins) ...................................£30.00
Eyebrows ...........................................................................£9.00
Top lip .............................................................................£9.00
Top lip and chin ...........................................................£12.00
Top lip, chin and sides of face ...................................£15.00
Under arms- ...................................................................£9.00
Arms and fingers .........................................................£15.00
Bikini line (top of thighs and stomach)......................£13.00
Thong bikini (as above & underneath) .....................£16.00
Brazilian ........................................................................£20.00
Hollywood ....................................................................£30.00
Full leg and bikini line .................................................£33.00
Full leg (toes to top of thighs) ....................................£25.00
Half leg (toes to 2” above the knee) ..........................£18.00
Three quarter leg (part of thigh and half leg) ..........£20.00
Chest or Back .....................................................from £26.00
Express manicure (25 mins) - File and polish.......... £18.00
Regular manicure (45 mins) - Soak, care and
tidying of cuticles, file and polish ............................ £32.00
Luxury manicure (60 mins) - As full manicure, but
with hand exfoliation and lower arm/hand
moisturising massage ................................................ £37.00
Lower arm and hand (20 mins)..................................£20.00
Lower leg & foot (20 mins)..........................................£20.00
Full leg & foot (30 mins)..............................................£30.00
Add a scalp massage (10 mins) ................................ £10.00
Hopi Ear Candles
A calming, relaxing treatment to relieve vertigo, compacted earwax, hay fever, pressure /water
in the ears and sinusitis. Ideal to have before
flying. Includes ear/facial massage.........................£23.00
Express pedicure (25 mins) - File and polish.......... ..£18.00
Regular pedicure (50 mins) - Foot spa soak,
care and tidying of cuticles, file and polish............. .£32.00
Luxury pedicure (65 mins) - Foot spa soak,
care and tidying of cuticles, file, rasping of
hard skin, exfoliation and lower leg/foot
moisturising massage ................................................ £37.00
Course of 3 £59.00
Eye Treatments
Eyebrow tint ................................................................£9.00
Eyebrow shaping.........................................................£9.00
Eyelash tint .................................................................£14.00
Eyelash and eyebrow tint..........................................£20.00
A sensitivity test is required 24hrs in advance of first treatment.